Prayer Requests
Share your request below with Pastor Steve...
Online Prayer Requests
Your prayer request will be held in strict confidence by our Pastor. Your prayer request and personal information will not be distributed or used for any other purpose.
Your online prayer request opens the door, and God is waiting patiently on the other side of that door, at all times, in all situations, to join with you.
We will pray on your behalf and believe God’s will be done for your life. Please know that you are a holy and precious Child of God and that God is always with you.
Many blessings to you,
- Pastor Steve McAbee
If you would like to give your heart to Jesus Christ, please click here
Pray for your neighbor via Bless Every Home
It's free and confidential.
​ gives you the tools to become a Light for Christ in your neighborhood.
Join an ever-growing community of Christ followers who are devoted to being a Light in their neighborhoods through praying for, caring for, sharing the gospel with, and discipling their neighbors.
We provide all the tools to get to know your neighbors by name so that you can begin to build relationships with them. Use your dashboard to track your individual progress with each neighbor. You will even receive optional daily reminder emails with a prayer prompt and 5 neighbors to pray for that day.