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Fellowship & Worship Opportunities

Sunday Schedule

Coffee Shop | 8:30-9:45am

Join us every Sunday morning from 8:30am - 9:50am for coffee, biscuits, grits & other breakfast favorites all complimentary. 

Sunday School | 10-10:45am

We have Sunday School for all ages, join us every Sunday morning at 10am to dig deeper into God's word.

Worship Service  | 11am

Our morning worship services begins at 11am each Sunday with praise and worship and sermons by Pastor Steve McAbee. If you can not join us in person you can watch us live by clicking the "LIVE" button at the top or bottom of this page.

Faith Kids |  Sundays following praise & worship

FaithKids and FaithTot classes have resumed, all classes begin after praise and worship in the sanctuary.

FaithKids consist of 2 worship experiences on Sunday mornings:

FaithTots ages 3-5:  Teaches our littlest attenders about Jesus and allows them
to reinforce what they learn at home.

Faith Kids ages 6-12:  Children focusing on Christ-centered teaching
that is relevant and practical that empowers children!

Parents must pick up children from the classrooms at the end of the service.


Wednesday Schedule

Worship & Bible Study | 7pm

Wednesday Evening Worship Services start at 7pm. Dive into the word even deeper with Pastor Steve McAbee.

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